Learn to Learn and FlashCard Soft
Like whe can see on the timeline now is time to talk about Learn to Learn. Who will bring me to the soft i created. I started to learn...

First Shooter Tp
I will give the link (on image) Then you can try it if you want. In this project (about 60 or 80 hrs) i buy a little asset pack. It was...

What was done in 2018
I will give you the link and force some Graph in there there you will see what i have done and what i m doing For those who dont check...

Merry Chrismas & happy new year
Yeah this blog will be the last for this year. Then i wish you a merry chrismas and happy new year. After C++ i make one little formation...

The C++ Boss
A will not talk to much about this. Not because it's a failure but cuz for this one i give up. I learned some good stuff that help me...

Chapter One
There is no chapter one for now but some kind of introduction. I will give you the chronological axis when i started to today. I make...

Did I Give Up ?
Hi almost one year i didnt wrote on this blog. So you will ask me Did I Give Up. And i will tell you No. I will give you some link to...

What is this blog about
Hello I m starting to learning Programming Game (computer at begening) And i will make this public for manage my self. I want to share my...

Why do i need a plan ?
This is not write in stone. And hard to make a dessions plan cuz making game is multidisciplinary. In big line this is 3 big work : =>...

The post dont donate but participate
Yeah Dear people i will list there the different link for support me. But before i want to talk a bit more with you and what you can make...